


With special needs student, Garitt, 4 years of lessons.
(click thumbnail image for a larger view)

“Our son has taken guitar lessons from Mark B for the last 6 years…what a great experience it has been…he looks forward to his weekly session at our home with Mark. Garitt, who has special needs, has always had a passion for music. As parents, it was very difficult to find someone with the patience and musical talent to teach an individual with intellectual challenges. Mark as done a remarkable job teaching Garitt!! He can read chords and loves to jam and sing at all our family events. We are so grateful to Mark for his dedication and sensitivity to our son. Garitt has developed a hobby that he is able to accomplish independently at his own leisure. This has contributed to his great sense of self-esteem and passion for life!

Thank you Mark!”


Mark Benjamin

Mark Benjamin has blogged 120 posts